Monthly Archives: August 2013

Consistent Success

When your aspirations go high Leaving the ground to fly in sky Invoke Divine Mother’s blessings Enabling self-control right perspective it brings Of your success you maintain your cool Helps in having your emotions schooled Assured consistent success comes your … Continue reading

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The parting glory of the sun Radiant rays that add to fun Light on the quiet calm sea Making the sight a sheer fantasy Taxi racing homewards fast Happenings at home did an image cast Behind the hillock and the … Continue reading

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Forgive my mistakes

Mother we all do make mistakes many Some may be small others uncanny Any one who performs may also falter Nature normally accepts and forgives after But there are times when a mistake fine Can really your disaster sign Grant … Continue reading

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Mother grant me an unending initiative To further my tasks and be creative Indecision hesitancy should be always out Decisive clarity may rule throughout Risks may not, my mind, shatter Completing tasks be my only matter Flexibility when required let … Continue reading

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Ceaseless Battle

Your power who know Your generosity who would realise The world is an illusion created by you Saints believe and the wise The weak fall down; the powerful rise Who make one weak and the other strong Who gives knowledge … Continue reading

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Mother’s help by Satish Kakri

Divine Mother, you are great Ever on time, never late To help your devotees in dire Fast you take them out of fire People who don’t seek your grace They hardly can win life’s tricky race Give me wisdom to … Continue reading

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Energy is life force Your activity’s chief resource Mind gives direction Energy implements action Choose appropriate combination Of the two According to your profession Whatever you do A rigorous regime Need not be imposed Regulate thought process Devoid of stress … Continue reading

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Health by Satish Kakri

A unique body With priceless mind Comprise creator’s greatest gift To mankind Inculcate good health Not for body alone Disregarding mental wellbeing No one will atone Money mends many things Can contribute to good health Money for its own sake … Continue reading

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Changing times

Who cares for morning sun Peaceful blue sky A deep green valley Or the mountain so high We all live in a jungle Of lifeless concrete Burdened by deadlines Ever to meet

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Capacity to command

Capacity to command Encouraging others Ever to respond Never abscond No longer is achieved By power and force Carefully you cultivate Comes in due course

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