Monthly Archives: August 2013

I.T. Bubble

Not that it was Ever, a bubble That would suddenly burst. But vested interests – Big players With wealthy layers Bringing Bulls, Enforcing all pulls, Made matters For genuine investors, Not only bad but the very worst.

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Difference arise in opinion Not in love Arguments are lost, won But love stands above. Your inquiry persistent Into God’s existence; Your devotion denotes Love of God; it promotes. Set your worldly goals By all means Focus on their achievement … Continue reading

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God is a reality It is easy to accept World is an illusion Who will agree; I haven’t met. ‘Life is such stuff As dreams are made of’ Said Shakespeare. Today, who cares?

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Your Words

Simple straight vehicles Of your thought Yet with your words Many battles; you have fought. Words foster goodwill. Words bring friends. Many Words are shrill. These kill. Hazy words are; at times uncanny. What are these words? That birds chatter? … Continue reading

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What are our dreams? Do these have a reason, Or any message to Dispense? Significance, in life, if Dreams have none Why must these please, torment! Why must dreams come?

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Anxiety allows not; to Decide and dispense Actions you must, as Duty, take For fear of conflict, fallout of Of your actions You escape, alter or avoid actions To safeguard family, friends, Or, for your own sake. Upfront, you fight, … Continue reading

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Good Deeds

Good deeds are best done And for gotten You repeat these to yourself Or, to others, you tell. You initiate a process Making you ego swell Ego makes you proud and vain. Easily you loose, your Spiritual Gain!

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World Tree

Look at this world – an immortal tree. Roofs under the earth, And leaves flying free. The tree draws food >From beneath the earth. Some fruits are excellent, Others of lesser worth. Some others on a branch are afflicted with … Continue reading

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Noisy streets Noise on the road. Rushing vehicles Carrying their loads. All these noises are But a small inkling of the one Big noise making the mind run Right and left; near and far Continuously disturbing your peace, Scratching a … Continue reading

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Change! Thy name is Earth

Let Satan rule in hell. Let angels, in heaven, rest For humans moving up and down For them; Mother Earth is best. Only comforts all good things Apparently appeal to human taste. All sweets, nothing hot bitter or sour Will … Continue reading

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