Don’t fly in the air by Satish Kakri

That his magic, his skill
Great admiration, it would instil
Among all those who were exposed
To his art that juxtaposed
Incessant practice; a desire for perfection
Leading to daring selection
Range of his fetes knew no bounds
He announced he would fly
Eleven rounds the city tower around

The tower was high
Touching the sky
He would with large wings
Hang on the strong bar
That will not be visible from afar
The rod will be moved around in a fashion
The spectators will get the flying impression

All his team practised fast and quick
And mastered this unique trick

But on the day of the show
Their plan was hit by an unexpected blow
The metal rod suffered an irreparable bend
The maker in hurry could not mend

His team suggested to him to give up the show
Without listening to them, he picked up a row
Sid he ” My super power will let me fly
Like other big birds in the sky”

All persuasions were of no avail
He was doomed to miserably fail

And on the fateful day was his call
The king’s court and the city saw his fall

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