Perfect Justice

We mortals
Only appreciate
The justice that
Is seen, reported
And talked about.
The perfect justice
Where no one is
Spared, remains unseen
Where there are no delays
No infirmities
No need for explanations
Or human reasoning
Justice that is just
Like a sophisticated
Computer program
Which sees all
Which accounts all
Which performs
No illegal operations
But could life
Be ever like that?
Was it ever that way?
Or will it ever be?

If answer is ‘No’
As we all know
Then how
Could one ever question
The process of justice
In the divine context
Of the Almighty above

The scale of time
As we understand on our earth.
Is not the scale,
He is bound by,
Or even, likely to use.

A thickly populated
Kingdom of ants
Or of cockroaches
Can be annihilated
By a man
And for reasons so sound
Our society can suffer
Turmoil and turbulence
For reasons
Unknown to us
But which could be
Sound enough
For the rule of the Lord

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