Category Archives: Uncategorized


Ego is your own-grown-enemy Aptly known Can turn friends into foes Enmity is grown Doesn’t allow you to view things In perspective right Brings unexpected darkness In environment bright There are no categories of ego That can be learnt No … Continue reading

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Economics of Joy

An economist talks of money and wealth Taking good care of the nation’s health Economics of joy, no one would speak Lack of happiness makes humanity weak I long for a breed of economists of joy Each dedicating himself and … Continue reading

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Write a Poem

Write a poem When you have something to say Message must touch the heart Never equate with a child’s play Restriction on the subject You may never need Whatever kindles your mind Your heart may lead Humans should think Before … Continue reading

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Spirit of Freedom

Routes are many Final destination is the same Only one Universal Force Give it any name Our earth has shrunk Divide it no more Spread message of love Let humanity score Battles were fought And wars were won In the … Continue reading

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Noble Cause

Selfless deeds for a noble cause Win support and all-round applause Days will bring joy; nights good sleep Ability will shine; vision grow deep Consistent keen efforts in sunshine or rain Bringing better results letting nothing in vain Good results … Continue reading

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Conquer Your Faults

The only way to turn a new leaf Is to strengthen your faith and your belief Shortfalls of intentions present or past Controlling these now, slowly or fast Depends only on how much you’re keen Intentions are fine but action … Continue reading

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Budgeting help the poor survive For the successful, it is front drive More often than not, plans have failed With bad budgets had coffins nailed For all items in detail prepare a list Outside your budget, don’t open your fist … Continue reading

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Learn to daydream Easy it may seem Not so when you try Your spirits may go dry Intensity of desire Blasts a burning fire Concentrating on your goal You awaken your sleeping soul That’s when you begin to see In … Continue reading

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War of Words

Knowledge gives a power so unique Enables to grasp your opponent’s technique Closer look informs how you must attack Defuse all his arguments and return his pack Specialists and consultants have to work hard To assist their clients and help … Continue reading

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Irani Cafe Owner

Constantly he counted coins as if to play Customers queued, kept coming to pay Each holding little bill with nothing to say Fifty years on the same seat only dream could stay Curved bamboo chairs around small tables round Black … Continue reading

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