Category Archives: Uncategorized


Machine virus more in news Than virus attacking human minds Attackers hook up networks Creating disaster of a kind In the world of wired web Malignant program is fired Breaking security barriers Spreads with speed as deadly carriers Identifying new … Continue reading

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A human ability priceless Without good memory life is a mess You learn from book better by experience Weak memory always make you tense Shaping character in direction desired Help may be sought from experts hired Serving always in time … Continue reading

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21st Century

Let the light of dawn Lit the dark corners And fill the space With glowing sheen Let happiness prosper >From the morn During the day Through the night Let peace and friendship Improve relations Among communities And nations Let twenty … Continue reading

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Significant Century

The most significant Century Of the modern world Just came to an end It has seen world wars Nations dividing through The continents Also uniting again Unmatched Scientific And industrial progress Conquering space, man Reaching the moon marks Only a … Continue reading

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Changing values

” I trust every one ” he said So long it does not concern Money But when it comes to that I believe only Money In power to corrupt Money is strong Handle Money with care You will not go … Continue reading

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Devotion & Pride

Proud of rich family Or pure pedigreed race Healthy strong body Beautiful handsome face Devotion to God is difficult Efforts bring little result Devotion arises from within Shun pride; let devotion begin Race, body, pride Each play its role All … Continue reading

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Technology invents newer tools Redefines progress changes the rules Tools are developed For greater help Making tasks easier To achieve, better perceived Tools are the means That’s how these score Nucleus of progress Targeting subject core Pursued as objectives Tools … Continue reading

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Repeated reports when required On subjects or aspects same Instead of thinking afresh each time Your mental process templates tame Performa performed similar jobs But it was rigid and straight Template is more flexible Keeping your records up to date … Continue reading

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Devi Pilgrimage

Her abode is far from the madding crowd At the holy hills of Himalayas making people proud Of her presence among them The longer your journey greater you focus While travelling in plane, train, or bus Conflicting confusions that reside … Continue reading

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Walking in the accumulated heat Of the sun that started moving down from its peak He stood at the stall To make a phone call Middle aged man with beard long Sat behind the counter singing his song To an … Continue reading

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