Category Archives: Uncategorized


Mother I earnestly implore Grant me sense ever to explore Right action I must take Path of success I must make Why must I aften loose Focus,direction I must choose You alone can correct my faults Worthy of working well … Continue reading

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Mother I earnestly implore Grant me sense ever to explore Right action I must take Path of success I must make Why must I aften loose Focus,direction I must choose You alone can correct my faults Worthy of working well … Continue reading

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Sparkling Light

I saw a sparkling light Celestial halo shining bright Strange power full of might Brought to heart a great delight Mother I wonder what it was Where for it come; what was the cause? It did not take long to … Continue reading

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Divine Mother grant me direction To carry out precise focused action Let successful steps not gladden my mind To get into complacency of any kind The project is big and relates to the core Competency I sell, needing attention more … Continue reading

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Divine Mother your help I seek Lacking conviction, I am weak Grant me knowledge to understand All the creatures on your land And that I do not falter or flout Natural justice, I do not doubt

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Divine Mother, so that I don’t shirk Grant me focus and to concentrate, strength To fulfill my obligations, go to any length My mind senses and body; all should support My duty for the day in Almighty’s court For human … Continue reading

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Negative emotions

Even a very healthy human Is suseptible to on-slaught By negative emotions Doubt suspicion may attack without caution Remedy lies in strengthening faith In your concept of creator And your ability to accept Willingly his judgement When you have done … Continue reading

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Razor’s Edge by Satish Kakri

One doesn’t have To be scared To walk on razor’s edge Instead develop a skill Confidence that will instill To cope up with dangers of life Energizing for the constant strife That life is made of not in vain You … Continue reading

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Living in present

Why is necessary to desire And burn an unending fire Seeking out things afar Why not enjoy What you have Disabling jealousy to mar Your joy of living in present

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Which is that power That our choices control Who grants us wisdom That plays major role What is the force That our duties inform Who shows us the way That we don’t go astray Mother, you are the only One … Continue reading

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