Category Archives: Uncategorized


Dilemma is neither your friend Nor your foe He may come fast, or slow Deal him well, His turbulences, quell Spend time enough, And let him go. Strange visitor, he is Importance his biz You try to send him unrecognized … Continue reading

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Thinking guides intelligence For better results to achieve Intellect unguided whence It goes Nobody knows, Your objectives, waywardness cleaves. Intelligence is wealth strange More you use Less you loose Greater usage increases you vision, Your ability to choose. Have just … Continue reading

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Earth is round So is the sun Flat is ugly Straight spoils the fun Truth is straight Lies do go round Straight talk doesn’t please Differences and disputes abound Medicine is bitter But effect is sweet Efforts should never fritter … Continue reading

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Work wonder with your actions Reactions, never ever count. Act always, to avoid reactions, And to achieve; It is a policy sound Do it now, tomorrows is too late Your efforts do relieve your nerves Open success’s golden gates, To … Continue reading

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I launched the search Of a different kind To find out where is Located the human mind. Where is its beginning? Where lies the end? What causes its hurts? How does it mend? Who are its enemies? Where are the … Continue reading

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Groom Intelligence

Belittle your own intelligence, never Let fear of opponent’s intellect fade The best in battle achieved ever Is won with courage and mind’s aid Think of your strength Weaknesses underplay Improve your attitude Your mind, never allow it, to dismay. … Continue reading

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The Biggest bane in modern life Daemon callous creating confusion, strife. Breeds bare darkness in the mind Indolent indecision is indeed, the enemy Of the worst kind It is not someone you see Nor an attribute you can feel Ignoring … Continue reading

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Perfection is a thought so pure Children, young and old; All like to secure Knowledge how perfection is made Study its regulations That masters, in books, have laid. How much you try; you progress sure, Give up inaction, stupor or … Continue reading

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The green of mowed grass in rains Yellow of spring sunflowers in plains So many colours of roses too; Great gifts of Nature These are, For birds, beings; everyone, me and you Sweet smell of the earth unique When summer … Continue reading

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Fight your Battle

Most humans are fond of celebrating Their victories without fighting their battles. Don’t announce your victory Without fighting the battle. Don’t celebrate the success And let the reason rattle. Success does not always. Come with effortless ease As though you … Continue reading

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