Human Operating System

You come to this world with
the balance sheet of the previous
birth. A program of possibilities
you call it ‘Sanskar’.

You study the features of
the program or you don’t.

You learn to use it or
you don’t.

You strive to enhance it
to bring out the newer
better utilities or you don’t.

You are placed in certain
circumstances: you have
a duty to perform.
You carry out your dutys
or you don’t.

You carve out a life for
yourself or you don’t.

If you decide your
profession you define
your duties,
or you don’t.

If you don’t decide and
let your life take its on
turn. Even then, either
you define your duties,
or you don’t.

Whichever way you
define your own duty,
you perform your duty
or you don’t.

If you perform
your duty,
utilise fully
your operating systems
inbuilt software – your ‘Sanskara’,
keep on enhancing it,
bringing out new, better
versions and keep on
utilising your own
operating systems :
you are a yogi.
or the great Bill.

The Blog is meant for Poetry Lovers. Those who express their thoughts in simple poems are invited to join and contribute their poems.

You may also write your comments so that in the process, we find out what are the trends in Poetry today.

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