Business Success

Ability to muster help from friends
Trying to exploit emerging new trends
It makes for all a good business sense
Success won’t elude, keeping you in suspense

You can do it all must you never pretend
Take professional help with price you can spend
Terming a failure your success; never profess
Your shortcomings you know, must always confess

An important ingredient, courage, you may need
To persons in power, pleasantly you plead
Expecting booty you may never secure
Wishful thinking is a malady you must cure

Cultivate patience; it is a productive art
Helps you to succeed, making you street smart

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A Poet and a Businessman

A poet is a forgetful man
One who thinks, he can
While thinking so he forgets
Handicaps he has always met

He lives in a world of his own
That’s the way he has grown
And then there is a businessman
Would like to cook up a crafty plan
Checks up reaction from friends and foes
The moment he stands and then he bows
Understands people keeping them pleased
With others help, his job is eased

Should the two ever happen to meet
With scant regard each other will greet
Businessman has nothing to gain
The poet thinks his meeting is in vain

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New Year Wishes

Fragrance of dream roses unique
Let New Year fill your life and speak
Of all the good deeds and events ahead
Bringing unending hope letting happiness spread.

I gather good wishes like dewdrops from a leaf
Simple honest approach you may happily perceive
Raising my hands in prayer to my Lord above
God may assist you and let all others love

With courage on your side you may scale any wall
For your success and joy let the New Year stand tall

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Choose to Lead

If you choose to lead, not led
Commit yourself and practice thinking ahead
Must know what your day can daily achieve
Plan realistically saving some time up your sleeve

Pick priorities with discretion what needs to be done
Completed tasks will bring you joy, you’ll have great fun.
Use all your time leaving nothing to waste
Provide time for all, doing nothing in haste

Thinking ahead brings efficiency, a direction unique
Constant careful practice will evolve a better technique

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Chat room

A virtual park, it’s a meeting ground
Distant people just come around

Leaving behind unproductive day or night
Seeking to find friends and a favorable sight

Some others vile pleasure seekers in vain
Try to find perverse fleshy gain

Yet other clans just come and go
Others only smile, laugh; their teeth they show

Unsatisfied some move from room to room
Trying to clean their minds with a virtual broom

There are many that grow fond of each other
Talk to a friend, mate, mother or brother

You may talk to your hearts content
Express feelings; emotions give vent

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Indiscriminate human suffering
Inflicted without gain
Whoever could be pleased
With a widespread pain

Orderly human efforts
Not be thwarted in disdain
Chaos shouldn’t fill the world
As if it is its own domain

Let there be a rule of the right
In order to abandon beastly fight

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You all made
A picture of life
Working up your way
In sky every day
Your work was for you
Your mission, your pride
Everything, open nothing to hide
O judgement how could you be so cruel
So indifferent
Those innocent souls
Deserved anything,
But death.

Untimely demise
Has robed you of all
Your life, He gave.
No one is so strong
In this mortal world
To change
His order, His Justice.
Some good has to be
Born out of every evil.
Innocent people
Thus lose their lives
Humanity hung its head in shame.
In failing to grant safety
And peace to
Those who deserved these.

Respectful homage
To the innocent humans
Who succumbed to
The treachery of the wicked
Your sacrifice
Has carved wounds
On the body of humanity
You, angels in heaven
Will smile.
Your departure
Denotes a strong signal
Shaking composure
Bringing to
The forefront
A noble cause
To annihilate the
Cowardly evil
Who in disguise
Ever strike lacking
The courage that
Becomes the bold.

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Deal with conviction and confidence
Enmity with none, you pray
All are your friends
No one ever will betray

Yet basic characteric of life
You don’t forget
No one will stand by you
When danger to life is met

Some may honour
Commitment and loyalty
They are good worthy of praise
But goodness crushed with life’s own weight

All your habits
Your policy must always depend
People secure their interests
Their own life they must fend

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If the world is an illusion
This illusion, Mother, in your fusion
Reality perceived as mirage
Futile pursuits a sabotage
Haze abounds clarity eludes
Doubt hesitation inaction exudes
Should you withdraw Your Grace.
All maladies, humans have to face
Devotee seeking your direction
Follows the path of right action
Night withdraws to usher in dawn
Freshness pervades the welcome morn.

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Getting absorbed

Get so much absorbed
In your aim, your mission
That your forget surroundings
Other acts or commissions
When the dominance
Of your desire becomes so strong
Path to success you follow
Nothing will go wrong
Alertness, hard work
You must never shirk
Because to superior
Category of living beings
You belong

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