Ode to Busy-bee

Relaxed and composed,
He was a man at ease
With his short witty comments
His readers, he would please

At any unknown location
He would easily find his home
Faced with dire difficulties
With ease he could roam

However he was never
A man in the crowd
Often pouted for his opinions
He made his friends proud

Soft talk was his forte
Straight speech was his pride
His writings were his joy
His life too short to be called
A Perfect Ride

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Good Beginning

Beginning of a new project
So that it may aptly reflect
The strength of the earnest desire
Keenness of what you aspire

Well-begun will always inspire
Focussed approach; friends will admire
With proper planning you may except
Flaws in the project in time to detect
Necessary details you may not neglect
Capable personnel you may select

Doubt, suspicion you may dispel
Your faith in project may always dwell
Your mind remains searching for better ways
Improving your efforts for the goal you chase
Clarity of vision replacing all your haze
It becomes your attitude worthy of all praise

All above tasks you may achieve
Anxiety and tension, it will relieve
With honest prayer to God you believe
His blessings for success you will receive

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Heaven or Hell

There is nothing in the world
That doesn’t change
Movement is progress
Moving ahead; the name of the game

Time doesn’t stop
It never lazed on a bed
Each moment is alive
Could ever be it dead?

Long ago there were apes
Those refined into men
Built houses with their hands
Deserting all old dens

After that all happened
That history will tell
Next what is in store
Heaven or Hell

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The spectacle of the Mind

When I took out my spectacle to read
I realised that I must pay heed
To keep my glasses clear and clean
In order written words are correctly seen

Glasses are cleaned fast, with ease
Clarity in reading is bound to please
Mind of man to have its eyes
Clear vision in these; objectivity implies
How could one clean these eyes so special
Incorrect perspective lead to actions at fault
Like eating sugar instead of salt.

Superior insight indicates maturity of mind.
This also is an ability of the rarest kind.
When you can read truth often hidden
No height of success remains forbidden

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No time to lose

Look at your lifetime
As a whole
Decide early and
Follow one goal
Whoever thought that life
Was large
Failed to realise frailty
Of the life’s number of years

Frequent turbulence
Of the sea
Will hardly ever
Set you free

If success in life
You want to achieve
Golden rule
Don’t fail to believe

With constant perseverance
Any race, you can run
With earnest efforts
Any war can be won

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They were four
But faces many more
Each displays a face
Not his own
Smile hid sadness
Simplicity saw
That was never shown.

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Enormous Power

Concentration of objective
Over a period of time
Creating enormous power
Hitherto unknown
Brings out capability
That normal humans
Know not.
The strength of desire
To achieve the mission
Becomes the guiding force.
With which one could
Measure the intensity
The sheer personal
Power of the old
Martial arts in
China or other parts
Of the world
Bear a testimony
To what are the
Imaginable prospects
Of progress in
Any particular field
Provided mind
Is fully focussed
On the mission!

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Perfect Justice

We mortals
Only appreciate
The justice that
Is seen, reported
And talked about.
The perfect justice
Where no one is
Spared, remains unseen
Where there are no delays
No infirmities
No need for explanations
Or human reasoning
Justice that is just
Like a sophisticated
Computer program
Which sees all
Which accounts all
Which performs
No illegal operations
But could life
Be ever like that?
Was it ever that way?
Or will it ever be?

If answer is ‘No’
As we all know
Then how
Could one ever question
The process of justice
In the divine context
Of the Almighty above

The scale of time
As we understand on our earth.
Is not the scale,
He is bound by,
Or even, likely to use.

A thickly populated
Kingdom of ants
Or of cockroaches
Can be annihilated
By a man
And for reasons so sound
Our society can suffer
Turmoil and turbulence
For reasons
Unknown to us
But which could be
Sound enough
For the rule of the Lord

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Nations draft their own laws
What is unreasonable unjust
For one nation
Becomes natural justice in another.

Justice also changes
Its definition
With the passage
Of time.

What was law once
Becomes unlawful later
Thus we humans realise
That even justice
Does not command
A permanent definition.

Since all societies
At all times
Define their laws
And try to implement justice
It is possible
That there be
No justice in
The supreme court
Of the Lord above.
The Court that transcends
The limits of time and space

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You can’t always win

He prided in being a good speaker
In conversation, he was effective indeed.
He would make an opponent feel weaker
In an anxiety always to succeed.

IN spontaneity of speech he was smart
With choice of words he practiced art
He would always prepare his craft for the meeting before
With qualities so strong his opponents would say no more

Until one day
So well he couldn’t play
He missed his boat
In atmosphere of heat
Nothing came up his sleeve
Yet he wouldn’t grieve
Lost his logic his power his plan
No way to go back to his den.

Not that he be the one
Who was so good
But now on the run
Feeling awful, he should.

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