
I saw a number of urchins
On the large ground
Each playing with himself
Gloating over some mystery found.

Building their palaces
With pebbles, making thrones
Mixing muddy sands
With sun-bleached stones

No one talked with the other around
With their narrow vision each was bound
For each one
This was a home
A distinguished abode
On the horse of imagination
Each one rode

Suddenly came
A hurricane
And a sandstorm
Shattering their images
All their work

Each extended his hand
To catch
Other for support
With ability to match

Do we need a hurricane to come together?

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Oh God! by Satish Kakri

There is only one God
I have always heard.
Some, however will not nod
Nor believe these words.

If there were gods too many
To match the religions of our world
Each trying to overpower through means uncanny
Cutting the sky like a vicious bird.

Religion should affirm belief in one Divine Force
That causes the confused to carve out his course.
If confusion among the religions reign
All efforts for self discipline will go all in vain.

Patient pleasure faith does bring
Quiet bliss makes the heart sing!

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She was crying profusely
Sitting inside the little cave
Where she sat on the stone
Why was she afraid to go home
How could she prefer to stay in this dome

Dusk drew darkness of evening close
Her agitating mind getting no repose
She hadn’t returned for so long
Hardly could he think what went wrong
He did not know what was in store
Bad omens, images kept coming to the fore
Where should he find her, where could she go

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One face One body

Long ago, in this world
The number of faces were no more
Than the number of people
For no one thought
It was necessary
To have more than one face
His, or her, own

No new face
As per the need
Of the occasion
Power of just conduct
Was so strong
That is over ruled
The need for appeasement
Of those, who felt
Hurt, humbled or ignored
Partiality pays not;
It brings out
Inherent insecurity
At human heart.

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Let them succeed through hard work

What, after all, is the secret of success?
Why, circumstances make such a mess?
And annul sustained efforts for the goal
Who could be behind that startling role?

Let them learn while they earn
Undeserved appreciation is better burned
Partiality to the dear one is often shown
Like one’s own mistakes often disowned

Spoon-feeding breeds those weak at heart
Simple suggestions teach much sought after art
Unwarranted artificial help would never produce
Muscles are developed with frequent use.

Strength of desire kindles a fire
Hard work for progress does never tire

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Sitting on the seashore

Quietly, they sat at the silent seashore
Experiencing a closeness like never before
Evening was loosing to advancing night
Bringing brightness to the moon, now in sight
Soft image rippled within waters of the sea
Both getting lost in a ravishing fantasy
Thick damp sands had settled on the shore
Hissing breeze was singing songs of lore
Eyes gazing eyes in silence, they spoke
Quieting their heartbeats with every stroke
Time seemed moving faster than its speed
Romance at its peak; it was an example indeed

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Little lights

Little lights of the candles combined
Emitting images of the very celestial kind
Like tributes acknowledging simple quiet souls
Secretly whispering unachieved goals

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Pressing problems of the job
Possible pleasure, how it robs
She wished, she could celebrate the joy
Family together; an evening to enjoy

A lot of work was to be done
Duty, against personal wish had won
Late in the evening came a surprise
Her colleague contacted on a friend’s advice

I will cut short my vacation and attend
To your urgent assignment, hope, she lent
Satisfied with the upturn, she returned home
Retiring early, she preferred to be alone

Early morning she boarded the flight
Terror pounced robbing all delight
Brutish minds tore humanity apart
Alas, so soon, she had to depart

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Obscure Justice

What is your obscure
Justice O’Lord?
Thousands of innocent
Human beings
Are deprived of life-force
Gifted by you
All at once

Is it true
That in this life itself
One pays penalties for one’s sins
If so, did all those
Who lost their lives
On that dark day
Sinned against you
In this life
All belonging
To a city symbolizing progress
In a country
That is ahead of the rest
My heart and mind
Have given way
And I can’t comprehend
Your World
You surprise me
Beyond dismay

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Each moment of any day
Can achieve result, if you pray
Auspicious time evokes extra gain
Expectation, however, go in vain

Science of stars, humans or birds
Speak of serious study in words
Knowledge dawns when it is pursued
With apt attention and efforts renewed

Need of knowledge strikes the man
One who thinks and believes, he can
Move mountains low and conquer the sky
Whenever he desires, he flies so high

Worldly progress wields power with pledge
Commitment ruling through edge to edge
What describes the fastest speed on earth?
It is the mind, mind alone;
The very specialty of the human birth

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