Right Choices

Success or failure
Depend on your choices
Which in turn depend
On your knowledge and
Your thinking processes

Even the best of decisions
Cannot take you anywhere
Unless these are put to action
In the best possible manner

So it is the combined
Effect of the right choices
Right thinking and
Efficient handling
That brings about
The greatest purpose
And also the greatest pleasure
In life

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Happy Birthday, Son

Many happy returns of the day
Healthy and cheerful always you stay
Happy happenings running with time
Couplets rhyme, joyful bells chime
Bringing best of youth blooming your prime
Your life may remain a continuous springtime

Son, you are just an angel bright
Your thought, your picture brings me delight

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Seasons come and then these go
Bringing cheers making life glow
Singing happiness may overflow
With heavens above and good earth below

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Apply mind to improve Processes

Applying mind to develop
New better processes
To achieve your defined objective
Is the development of technology

Just as technology is upgraded
You hope to achieve
Greater objectives, higher goals
The winner, indeed is technology

Technology gives you
Confidence to accept
Greater challenges
History of human development
Stands witness to the
Victory of technology

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The objectives of education
Is to develop a skill
To excel in a vocation
And strengthen your will
To live life in order to contribute
Towards better knowledge
And greater wealth
These justly to people distribute
Adding joy to the nation’s health
Well meaning aims can be achieved
If purpose of education is better conceived

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Your Destiny in your hand!

Your future depends
On your own decisions
Your actions
Over which you have full control,
Yet factors you don’t
Recognise, realise
Influence immensely
On what you do,
And therefore
What you get,
These unknown
Extraneous factors
Come to action
Because of your
Destiny, your deeds past.
Your present actions
Your intentions
In future will represent
Your past
Act with care
Decide fast
For your time
Will not last

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Talk It Over

Free exchange of ideas
Tolerance, this will breed
Pursue one world dictum
Ignoring colour caste or creed

We owe to our cultural heritage
To ancestors, their life they led
How we live, what we eat
There is only one road ahead
No retreat

People coming from far and wide
Giving out their minds, nothing to hide
Such purposeful occasions, none other can beat
Congregation of people; come ahead and greet

Seminars or summits, searching solutions
Of touchy problems eluding resolutions

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First thing in the morning
Last one at night
Every moment you breathe
Eat drink and bite
This must be your first love
Pursue with your might

When it is true
This is what you do
For the objective
You want to achieve
Sooner than later
Friendly help you receive

Some unexpected quarters
Surprise you, these may
Or ordained like that
You might prefer to say

Depth of desire when
Measure fathomless sea
Destination approaches faster
Quickly, as can be

Define clearly what you want
So strongly if you will
Sweet success will come to you
With joy, your heart will fill

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Parenting was so simple
A family’s aim and fun
New complexities have invaded
Making parents on the run

Man earned for the living
Wife looked after their house
Each enjoyed one’s duty
Without harboring any grouse

Being at home was a game
After work all would play
Meeting friends and neighbours
Exchanging views, having their say

It was good even, so now
Both man and wife if they wow
That children they would raise
With joint efforts; worthy of praise

Not leaving them to their own plight
Children showered with love is just right
Growing with years, gaining height
Every moment of their playful growth
A perfect sight

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A pair of wooden sticks
Painted in vibrant hues
Spoke of festive dancing season
Emitting all joyful cues

On few such occasions
Fun really fared so well
With a wide religious fervour
As any Mumbaite would tell

Dancing to the tunes
Of folk music mild
But fast musical beats
Made dancing really wild

Over the past few years
Youngsters fancy it all the more
Of the many festivities
Raas Dandia indeed would score

Simple striking sticks
Do unique music make
Don’t ever leave them alone
Play Dandia for heaven’s sake

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