
If the world is an illusion
This illusion, Mother, in your fusion
Reality perceived as mirage
Futile pursuits wasted collage
Haze abounds clarity eludes
Doubt hesitation inaction exudes
Should you withdraw your grace.
All maladies, humans have to face
Devotee seeking your direction
Follows the path of right action
Night withdrawn to usher in dawn
Light pervades the welcome morn

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That we are created
By the same supreme
The force that all religions
Of the world do God consider
Should be a reason strong
Creating closer ties and not to wrong
One another’s belief
In their image supreme
But Devil’s fighting forces
Do spoil the scene
Whoever wished of
Bringing peace perfection for ever
Truth in vision he would see never
For Good and Bad
Are created to co-exist
One has to be there
Enabling other to exist

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Sad Reality

Tell only your true story if you must
Don’t speak at all if you don’t trust
Hiding your sadness with a jingle of joy
Could never help; it’s a stupid ploy

No one likes to share sorrow; it’s true
To crave pleasant company anxiety may accrue
To exhibit pleasant picture liked by most
Wishful angels hiding tormenting ghosts
Escaping reality for fleeting escape
Joy will vanish leaving you with heartache

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Dawn of the Soul

When your day is calm
And night so sweet
Your mind is relaxed
And joy comes to greet
Nature tells that it is
The dawn of your soul
Productivity will increase
You’re nearer to the goal
Look within to find
How Nature grew so kind
Effected the change so great
Bringing progress at a faster rate
It’s nothing else but your hidden ware
You own heartfelt honest prayer

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Wait and Watch

Time is often too late
For those who watch and wait
Opportunity is exploited best
When all stray doubts are put to rest
Alertness enables you to seize
Opportunity that will surely please
Sharpest mind most ever rules
Opportunity doesn’t make friends with fools
Emerging trends tell a tale
Life is happy with time when you sail
Be abreast with time; don’t be left behind
With casual careless moves time turns unkind

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Candle Light Wisdom

Wisdom shines bright
With night’s feeble candle light
Too much light may lead you astray
Distractions show a pathless way
To talk to the wandering moon
You don’t need strong light of the noon
When your eyes cut across the night
Creativity comes with all its might
Keenness of mind with a helping heart
Will chisel the mural, purge your art

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Happy 2002

Let the New Year two thousand two
Hope of greater peace renew

Terror of evil creates an urge
Baser sentiments must people purge
Good bye to the human hates
Friendly feeling must all generate

Old must be replaced by new
Spreading love among all, not only a few
Let us be indebted to our Creator One
Our universe who is pleased to run

Ushering in greater religious tolerance
Love may create greater confidence.

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The Portrait by Satish Kakri

When photography had not yet arrived
Great portraits of people had till date survived
The art of portrait painting paid well
Among the rich a desire to be imaged would dwell

Portrait painting was an occasion so sweet
Celebrities wore elegance with jewels to greet
For the young like children ever so been
Glow of importance grew as never was seen

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Hope and Peace

Come in New Year, bring a New Hope
Enabling peace to climb up a slippery slope

Progress in technology was never so fast
Each day dawned with possibilities vast
Material gains may also give spirituality a chance
Each helping other, with pride, they must dance

Progress among religions must also be seen
Static becomes stagnant an unpleasant scene
Interaction of opinions on subject so supreme
Will purge paltry rituals allowing faith to gleam

Religion is a discipline of our own choice
With progress in religion, all will rejoice

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Bells of Hope

Ring in the hope fresh and new
Rightful perspective for all to view
Out with vengeance and terror is thrown
Ring in peace and love is grown.

Wayward children that are gone apart
Good relationship may have a fresh start
Tolerance, fellowship may come to the fore
Healthy friendship may constantly score

Sweet sounds of bells bring joy for all
Evil lose power for progress to stall
Destructive actions come to an end
Let New Year this message spread

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