
When your mind
follows your intellect
maintaining its cool
and remaining kind.

When your senses
are fully controlled
by your mind
and do not hanker
after wayward objects.
When your words
do not betray your
mind nor hurt anyone
without cause.
When you goals are fixed,
and each moment,
you inch towards
your goals.

When you don’t adopt
the attitude that small
things do not matter.
Because the do.

When your every
moment is significant.
And you don’t waste any.

When you realise
what is good for you.
And do not bother
about momentary pleasure.

When you hear
what enhances intellect
and keep on adding
worthwhile wisdom.

When you see that
which encourages
nature’s own peace
and shun the violence
which wounds.

When you realise you
are a man much above
the sheer beasts.

When your vision is clear
And, at human goodness,
it feasts.

When you do not
remain a slave of your sense.
And you become free,
knowing that
you are born free.

When you use material
gains to serve society;
not to cause pain.

It is then you grow in glory
and prove your progress
to the all powerful
Almighty and become
a good example for
fellows to follow.

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